Machigerita-P cover: Nape of the Neck

Vocal Design

Voice banks utilized:

  • First Melody- Vy2 V5

  • Second Melody- Kaito V3, Soft append

New custom style preset for both voicebanks, gender-factored to -25, with the exhalation turned way up. Extensive vocal fry on the release end mid-phrases.


I’ve never heard this song made into a duet before, which is somewhat surprising given the structure of the lyrics. It was intensely fun playing around with exhalation controls and attempting to simulate moaning and a voice breaking. I’m sure that’s part of the reason we have so many indecent Vocaloid songs.

I’m inordinately fond of the way Vy2’s tone contrasts with Kaito’s Soft append. I honestly wonder why they aren’t used together more often.


Circus-P cover: Amai Kotoba


Nem cover: Monochrome Dream-Eating Baku