Circus-P cover: Amai Kotoba

Vocal Design

Voice banks & V5 style presets utilized in this project:

  • Melody- Kaito V3 Straight append, Deep Shimmer [Strength & Texture for emphasis in parts]

  • Main harmony- Kaito V3 Soft append, Again and Again

  • Second harmony- Kaito V3 Whisper append, Warm Whisper Secrets

Attack and release effects are mostly vocal fry and crescendo, along with exaggerated vibrations across all melody and harmony lines in the final chorus.


The tuning style used here is very much analogous to that used later in ‘Hibikase.’ I did that without consciously thinking about it, perhaps because the songs are so similar in content and genre. This one is a bit more direct, with more physicality and less abstraction. That’s probably why I chose different appends for each of them. Kaito is not gender-factored here. I feel like the overall effect of such factoring is heavily influenced by the range of the notes- in a lower-ranged vocal, you get pretty much the same tone without it.

Nothing autobiographical here except my ongoing fixation with Kaito. I still haven’t decided if it’s a perfectly healthy coping mechanism or an unhealthy obsession, but I strongly suspect it vacillates back and forth between both possibilities.

This place is no good, indeed-


kaoling cover: Garden of Rain


Machigerita-P cover: Nape of the Neck