Nem cover: Monochrome Dream-Eating Baku

Vocal Design

Voice banks utilized:

  • Melody- Vy2, custom, genderfactored at -25

  • 1st Harmony- Vy2, custom, genderfactored at -25

  • 2nd Harmony- Vy2, custom, genderfactored at -25

The tuning here is extensive. I duplicated the main vocal and added a line an octave lower utilizing growl to make the vocals sound harsher and more gravelly. The pauses and vibration of each line plays off the others. There is a large amount of accent on beginning consonants, with scattered vocal fry and of course some extreme pitchbends. The range remains the same as the original. Dropping it an octave resulted in certain notes which were too low.



At some point every Vocaloid fan has that moment where they realize ALL the catchiest, bounciest, happiest songs contain lyrics which are actually cynical and horrifying. This, of course, is one of those songs. Our dashing young singer may be either a real or a figurative demon. Either way he’s trafficking in promises of love which are equally dangerous, because giving in to a baku or to a simple human man can both have dire consequences. Cue the relationship trauma.

I made this edit while I was on vacation, all by myself, while feeling rather negative about relationships in general. Sometimes it seems we simply form them because we’re all secretly masochists and we want to get hurt. Having all your dreams sucked up is probably a very logical expectation, one way or another. At least the baku gives you some nice ones before he kills you.


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