hinayukki cover: Paired Wintry Winds
Source Material
Original Version w/ Meiko & Kaito V1
Project Diva Compilation Version [googoo888]
ReBoot/Crossover Version [hinayukki LR]
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki:
Vocal Design
Voice banks & V5 style presets utilized in this project:
First Melody- Kaito V3 Soft append, Deep Shimmer & Kaito V3 Straight, Deep Shimmer
Second Melody- Vy2 V5, Stay Close reinforced w/ Strength & Texture
First Harmony- Vy2 V5, Stay Close, Stay Close reinforced w/ Strength & Texture, Stay Close reinforced w/ Deep Shimmer
Second Harmony- Kaito V3 Soft append, Strength & Texture mainly, Deep Shimmer in sections
Crescendo and soft vibration were added to Vy2’s first harmony section in order to give his voice a softer tone. Vibrations up, down, and both were added to the longer end phrases, with Kaito & Vy2’s vibrato sometimes matching and sometimes playing off the other. Crescendo and vibration in general is used in certain phrases throughout, also on nearly every note in Vy2’s middle melody section. Accents are on some beginning consonants but not all, in part because accenting tends to obscure part of the phoneme on short notes. There is occasional vocal fry as well [this can either make the sound incredibly natural or oddly electronic, depending on context].
This tuning was exceptionally difficult. Not Kaito’s so much. Mostly Vy2’s. His range is not at all conducive to the ups and downs demanded in this song, and it was hard [although immensely pleasing] to make his voice not overpower Kaito’s. I really like using his voice with Kaito’s Soft append, though, mostly because they provide such an excellent counterpoint to each other. One is soft and lingering, the other hard and energetic. One’s style is classical, the other modern. Kaito is risk-adverse, while Vy2 is a bit unpredictable. He doesn’t think twice about elongating notes here and there, throwing in extreme pitchbends, dipping out of range, going up in pitch when common sense might dictate he should go down, or changing octaves in the middle of a section. All the while, Kaito is staring at him with a puzzled expression, but it sounds surprisingly good, so he shrugs it off and continues singing.
Hinayukki posted a re-working of this song with parts for Ken and Vy2 a few days ago. It reminded me of how much I love it, and it’s the perfect time of year for it too.
It’s not a love song, per se- more of a song about devotion and the hope one person can inspire in another- but, if anyone is choosing to view it as a love song for the purposes of this pairing, I am not against it [meaningfully clears throat]
Also, the Project Diva PV for this song is absolutely glorious.