Saiou no Hana







BL | Historical | Drama |

No. He’d agreed to do exactly as he was told.

Shion struggled with the fastenings of the restrictive kimono. The task would've been easily accomplished, if he could only reach where he needed without risk of tearing the sleeves.

The screen opened. He glanced up, his dishevelled hair falling across his face.

"I am sorry, my lord. I swear I have been trying-"

Frustration saturated his voice. This was absurd. He couldn’t even undress himself. He felt absolutely useless.

Lord Teru quietly made his way across the room as Shion kept struggling to pull at the fabric knotted behind him. Firm hands caught at his arms and held there, pushing them gently aside.

"You did exactly as I asked. There is no need to be so discouraged."

Deft hands pulled and pressed at his waist. The knot suddenly came lose. He'd been struggling with it so long, and Teru- Teru had accomplished it in a moment's time. Shion dropped his head with a sigh.

"How did you come by this kimono?"

"It was a gift," he answered softly. "From someone I loved."

Callused fingers brushed over his skin. Layers of fabric were falling away. He stared at the inky fabric gathered near his feet on the floor.

"Only a man of high rank could have afforded something as fine as this."

Shion felt his body stiffen. He had no idea how to answer if Lord Teru pressed him any further on the subject, but the question he so dreaded never came.

The last layer of fabric fell softly to the floor. He felt Teru's eyes watching him and waited. The air was chill. He shivered. The only sound he could hear was the man's quiet breathing.

Moments passed slowly, painfully, wearing on as though they were hours, until finally-

"Turn around and look at me, Shion."

Hesitantly, he shifted his feet, still staring at the pieces of fabric which lay accusingly around them.

"Do you not wish to see me?"

Shion lifted his head, expecting to find Lord Teru's expression filled with displeasure. Instead, the man wore the same thoughtful look as always.

"If you cannot look at me now, you will hardly welcome the sight of what is to follow."

"My lord, I would have you think me pleasing-"

"You are unutterably pleasing, Shion." Light fingers trailed down his neck, drifted across his shoulder, traced along his chest. He scarcely dared to even breathe, let alone keep meeting this man's penetrating gaze. These hands were not the ones which should be touching him, and yet- he still wanted-

A strip of fabric was being wrapped around his eyes. Shion regarded it with a certain strange sense of relief. The mass of fabric rustled at his feet, brushing lightly against his skin as it shifted away, leaving only empty air behind it. A heavy burden seemed to be lifted, and Shion, with his unseeing eyes, stared up at Lord Teru's face.

"There," he whispered, his fingertips catching at Shion's chin. "That is so much better.”

Teru’s low, sweet voice embraced him.

“Tell me, what is it you want from me?”