Avril Lavigne cover: Hello Kitty
Vocal Design
Voice banks & V5 style presets utilized in this project:
Japanese phrases- Len V4 Power append, Wide Open
Melody- Len V4, English append, Great Vibration
Harmony- Len V4, English append, Deep Shimmer alternating with Warp Zone
Kaito makes a very brief appearance.
Attack and release effects are mostly growl, mixed with a bit of vocal fry. Some of the phonemes are modified to better fit Len’s pronunciation. The most far-reaching change was raising the melody an octave for the end section- it makes the mischievous vocals suddenly feel poignant and pleading.
Len’s growl is completely adorable.
Breaking my brand-new Len in quick and easy. I like the playfulness of this song, although the tone and some of the pop culture references already seem outdated. It’s a very adolescent song, but Avril Lavigne was around thirty at the time of its release, making it feel a bit anachronistic- and nostalgic, to me personally, because we’re around the same age. It’s much cuter when sung without the pop-punk delivery.
It’s both appropriately-aged and inappropriately-sexualized, so of course Len was an obvious choice. I especially love his HARD pronunciation of ‘kitty, kitty.’ It’s either menacing or sexy- I can’t really decide which.
I could not at all resist the urge to make Kaito say ‘meow. ‘
This is pure escapism, but it feels good to cover a happy song every once in a while.