Saiou no Hana







BL | Historical | Drama |

*Love has caused us both nothing but pain.  Do you not wish, as I do, for something else?  Something more powerful?  More absolute?*

Shion stared down in horror as his flute split to pieces in his hand.

*But since you have offered it to me, I will take the instrument of your love, and play it until it breaks.*

The voice he heard was distorted.  There was an echo beneath it like the cry of a wounded animal.  It took a moment for him to understand it was his own voice.  His own cry.

"Shion!"  Kagamine burst into the room, his eyes wide with fear.  "What is happening?"

He couldn’t move his limbs.  Kamui had done as he'd said.  Shion's body was no longer his.

"Leave us, Kagamine.  Do not interfere."

"Us?," the boy breathed.  "Shion, your voice-"

"Kamui is lost," he managed to choke out.  "And so am I."

He saw it all very clearly.  Everything was burning, the fortress, the village, the mountains, the fields-

People were screaming.  In flames.  And Kagamine-

No.  Shion would not allow it.  This cycle of destruction had to end.  Perhaps the boy was right.  Perhaps there was some way to simply stop existing.  But, for now-

He summoned all the strength that was left to him, stumbling to the opening in the wall, and allowed himself to drop.

The last sound he heard was that of his skull splintering into pieces.  Then his mind was blessed with the music of silence.