Saiou no Hana
BL | Historical | Drama |

"As much as I appreciate your kind offer, I would prefer to stay here and sleep, my lord."
Yuma's smile only deepened. "It can hardly be comfortable for you on this hard and drafty floor. If you should wish to sleep elsewhere," the man whispered, leaning in close, "my bed is warm, and soft-"
Shion stared down at the tatami mats, blushing with frustration as much as embarrassment. He didn't want Lord Yuma. Hadn't he already made that clearly apparent?
"Forgive me, my lord," he answered, "but I am comfortable enough in Lord Teru's arms."
These words were completely reckless. He and Teru had done nothing more together, after all. Perhaps they never would. If Yuma believed otherwise, however, it was possible he'd finally leave Shion alone.
The man's jaw twitched for a moment.
"Be that as it may," he murmured softly, "if you should somehow change your mind-"
He met Yuma's eyes very directly. "I will not, Lord Yuma. Good night."
Shion stirred in his sleep, feeling someone's hand, probably Teru's, shaking at his shoulder.
"Please, my lord," he answered drowsily, "I want to sleep-"
"Is it true that the examinations are finished?"
He nodded.
That hand brushed lightly at his cheek. "You have done remarkably well. Thank you for all your efforts, Shion."
Teru's voice was quiet, soothing. He found himself drifting off again-
"I hear that Lord Yuma asked you to accompany him tonight. Why did you choose to remain here instead?"
Shion opened his eyes, attempting to rouse himself enough to answer the man's question. Teru was watching him expectantly. The man was very close. His loose hair hung like a curtain over Shion's face.
"I much prefer your companionship to his, my lord."
Teru's lips suddenly curled into a blindingly beautiful smile. "And I prefer yours to anyone's, my orphan-flower." Soft lips kissed at Shion's forehead. "Sleep now. I will not disturb you."
Shion awoke to an almost empty chamber. He stared, frowning, at the neatly folded blanket beside him. Had Teru really left for the festival without him? He'd thought the man would find it far more pleasing to stay and enjoy the solitude-
The sound of Toshiwara's soft snoring echoed from along the furthest wall, like a pebble bouncing down a well. The silence seemed wrong. A little eerie.
He didn't like being alone. It reminded him of the time he'd spent half-starved in the mountains, fleeing from the approach of every human footstep. He found it strange how things had altered.
How he had altered.
Sighing, Shion straightened his clothing and combed out his hair with his fingers. It left him feeling no more presentable than before. Perhaps, since everyone had already likely deserted the roads, he could wash himself in the stream without attracting anyone's notice. He still feared his old master might find him-
The men who were so unfortunate as to be left standing guard said nothing to Shion as he hurried past them. It was Ohigan, and he was late to the festivities. Surely his rush would not seem suspicious.
He tried to still his frantic heart. If Lord Teru had chosen to go there with someone else besides him-
The reason the chamber had been emptied out for the festival had nothing to do with religious ceremonies. He knew exactly what the men were seeking out in the village, perhaps even Teru- Teru, who was like a river in the depths of winter, iced over only on its surface, with powerful currents still flowing beneath it. Lately Shion had sensed this ice beginning to thaw. The mere fact the man hadn't awoken him already-
Sleep now. I will not disturb you.
He stopped mid-step, laughing at his own foolishness. Lord Teru had merely made a promise and kept it, hadn't he? far, far past the point where most men would have given it up. What a strange person he'd found himself rushing after-
The thought made him smile.
Once the stream appeared before him, Shion carefully laid out his clothes and washed, first himself, then the bits of dirt and drips of food that had fallen onto his garments. He may not have been well-dressed, but he was at least fresh and clean. The autumn air was invigorating. He'd nearly forgotten how much he loved the sweet scent of the surrounding cedars.
The fallen leaves crunched beneath his bare feet until the shrine, with all its adjacent crowds of people, came into view, but he suddenly found his attention transfixed by something else entirely, a swirl of intense and beautiful crimson.
Corpse-flower. Orphan-flower. White flower of heaven, red flower of hell.
Shion's breath caught in his throat. Inexorable fate pulled at his footsteps, leading him to the vivid field planted behind the shrine. In the midst of the swaying blossoms, many paces away, a lone figure stood. It tilted its head, as though sensing someone else's presence, and Shion watched as the gleaming fabric at its shoulder stretched and twisted. The man was turning towards him-
Lord Teru's keen eyes flickered beautifully in the changing light. His expression contained the barest hint of a smile as the autumn wind stirred at his hair and rippled through his loose garments. He looked altogether different from before. Shion had become accustomed to seeing his face half-hidden in shadow, his form confined within the bounds of a dingy, crowded room. It was as though the man had become a force of nature, now absolutely freed.
Neither one of them spoke. Words were unnecessary in that moment. The man's piercing eyes told Shion he would not restrain himself any longer. His slow, deliberate footsteps suggested that, should his would-be lover find himself unable to bear the force moving between them, he could leave and not be followed. Shion held Teru's gaze with his own. He wasn't going anywhere.
Step after questioning step fell among the blossoms, and Shion answered, again and again, standing there, waiting patiently, as he met those captivating eyes. The longer he lingered, the more Teru smiled, until, at last-
"You have allowed yourself to be drawn out again, alone."
Behind the shrine, out of sight. He felt the same strange sweet thrill course through him.
"Yes," Shion murmured softly. "It seems that I have."
"What warning did I give you?"
His eyes chased the outline of Lord Teru's silhouette, as they had done once before, and, just as before, the man's fingers bridged the distance between them, reaching to brush lightly against his face. "You said that a man with three sharp blades would not hesitate to use them."
"You were frightened of me then. Are you not frightened of me now?"
"No, my lord," Shion answered quietly.
Teru's other hand moved towards his hip. The movement was beautiful, the twisting wrist, the pulse beating beneath the surface of Teru's skin as he drew the shortest blade from its sheath. The hand pressing at his cheek still did not waver, and Shion sank against its steady warmth.
"And now?," the man breathed softly.
He began to shake his head, only the blade slipped underneath his chin, halting the movement. It shimmered in the sunlight, breathtakingly beautiful as it lay against his skin like a loving caress, unspeakably intimate. Honesty, like the cold edge of a blade-
Shion leaned his head back, not glancing away for a moment from Lord Teru’s eyes.
He submitted, acknowledged, accepted. He wanted to know this man’s truth for what it truly was.
The sharp metal didn't waver as, sighing, Teru bent to kiss Shion’s neck. Compared to that hard edge, those lips seemed incredibly soft. Part of him was caught beneath a relentless chill, the other an intermittent heat. Their intensity built on each other until each sensation became something new and altogether strange.
"My exquisite flower," Lord Teru whispered, "blossoming at last, perfectly in season."
Ohigan, the time when the boundary between life and death was so thin it barely existed, thin as the edge of the dagger pressed against his throat, thin as the air which separated that body from his, as the taut skin which only barely contained his longing pulse.
The fingers holding at Shion's cheek drifted away as Teru released the pressure at his throat.
"Be absolutely still."
Obediently, he held his breath. The blade in Teru's hand cut with deft precision through the dense layers of his clothing before pausing to lift away the fabric at his shoulder. Whatever poor shreds left remaining to him fell to the ground at Shion's feet.
He stood there, shivering and naked, until Lord Teru pulled him into his arms.
It was all as it had been before, everything brighter and clearer, closer, more intense, only this time, the man's elusive heart thudded against him with tumultuous excitement.
Lord Teru knelt and lowered his body slowly onto the ground. The shrine-flowers brushed at Shion’s bare skin. He heard a drumbeat, and the muted sound of chanting, signaling that the ceremony had begun. No one would interrupt them here, and soon the noise of the crowd would drown out all his cries-
He understood that nothing about this meeting had been accidental. Teru had been leading him here all along, skillfully and patiently arranging this carefully orchestrated surrender. The man composed fate as though it was no different from one of his verses.
Perhaps, Shion thought, gazing up at Lord Teru as he pulled one of the torn pieces of fabric tight around his wrists, he ought to feel some resentment, but his heart only beat with admiration. The touch of the man’s calloused hands was gentle, his movements precise. They moved from Shion's wrists to his chest, lifting him slightly and placing another strip of cloth around his body. He didn't understand why Lord Teru had done so until the man's hands fell between his legs and he jolted up at the unexpected pressure. The edges of the cloth rubbed beneath his nipples, shifting along with his body, assaulting him with pleasure.
He finally closed his eyes.
Another strip of fabric was being painstakingly wrapped around his genitals. The pressure shifted, becoming a consistent, unignorable throb. Lord Teru's fingers trailed lightly against his constrained erection. Up until that point, Shion had somehow managed not to blush, but this-
"I truly want to see you as red as these blossoms, Shion." Teru's voice was like a sigh. The tall flowers, brilliant and crimson, waved beside the man's face as he stared down intently at Shion's exposed body.
"That may- take some effort, my lord."
Teru smiled down at him without bothering to displace his intent gaze. "You are well worth it."
Shion felt his face grow hotter. The man paused for a moment, then soft lips kissed at his throat, which he found being wrapped in a strip of cloth as well. Conscientious fingers slid beneath it, testing its resistance.
"My lord-"
Teru's fingers pulled both it and Shion's head towards him. His hand tightened around Shion's erection, prompting a soft little moan.
"Your voice is so sweet. I would have you chant for me, and offer up your prayers."
This did nothing to assuage the red heat turning his face to crimson.
Teru's grasp loosened. Shion's head fell back softly against the blossoms which had lain crushed beneath him, spilling out their redness like blood. He felt the warmth of Teru's body leaning over him, the man's soft breath at his neck as Teru kissed it once again. Grasping fingers slid along the length of his arms as the man began kissing his shoulders. Shion squinted up at the blindingly blue sky.
One hand slipped underneath his back, pulling his body closer, and a musky scent drifted over him, the scent of sweat and desire. The sun shone hot above them- his skin was already faintly damp with their mixed perspiration.
Soon there would be cheers, and offerings, and enough drinking to leave the village quiet and regretful in the morning.
Teru held Shion against him with infinite patience. It must’ve been a long time since the man had anyone so close. It had been a long time for Shion as well.
Lord Teru raised himself up wordlessly, wrapping a bit of torn cloth over one of his hands. Shion watched as he twisted at one of the long stalks until it came easily free, then held it out over his chest.
Red as these blossoms-
An odd thrill chased across his skin. Teru was no longer content to satisfy himself with a few scattered flushes of color. These flowers were mildly poisonous- he knew it as well as his lord did.
Shion nodded, a little breathlessly, closing his eyes. It was entirely possible it’d have no effect at all, but he found himself hoping it might-
Smooth petals brushed over his skin, lingering against his anticipatory flesh. It was such a slight, gentle pressure, but all his nerves were so thoroughly overwhelmed his body shook beneath it. Shion’s skin began to tingle along the slow trail Lord Teru’s blossom traced out down his chest. The throbbing left behind it was nearly indistinguishable from the one he already felt. It was the same subtle unsatisfiable itch, only building in intensity-
“Shion,” Teru whispered, his voice hushed and broken.
The blossom trailed slowly down his sides, his stomach, drifted along either side of his hips. Every piece of his aching skin burned behind it. Shion moved against it, giving himself over to the pleasantly intolerable sensation as the bonds Lord Teru had imposed upon his flesh pulled against him. His face and neck, although Teru had assiduously avoided touching them with his poison, flushed with a nearly unendurable heat which only grew greater as the soft petals twisted over his trembling thighs. Strong fingers lifted at his knee. The pressure was becoming progressively heavier. Perhaps Lord Teru was growing tired of this, or else-
The touch of the man’s body was so sudden as to be almost shocking. Shion had almost forgotten what lay behind this delicious torment. Now that he was forced to remember, he gazed up at Teru’s face.
The man reached past the strip of cloth bound tightly over Shion’s ribs, caressing either side of his swollen flesh, and he moaned beneath that light touch. Teru’s other hand fell purposefully between them-
“I am not yet as red as a manjushage blossom, my lord.”
“No,” Teru whispered, “you are not, but I dare not bring you any closer.”
Suggest a way
Let it go
His wrists were red and raw. Shion stared down at them. He knew he should've felt pain, but they simply throbbed with a warm, pleasant sort of ache. This sense of belonging within his own body- had he ever felt it so completely? Had it ever lasted so long, or been suddenly so clear?
"You are looking at your hands as though you do not recognize them," Teru murmured softly, kneeling beside him.
"It may be I recognize them more than usual."
The man smiled at him. He lifted gently at Shion's arms and began wrapping bandages around them. They were damp and carried a faintly medicinal smell. Shion stared up at him in surprise.
"Did you somehow expect me to disregard the harm I have caused you?"
He watched Teru's movements quietly for a moment.
"Not at all, my lord. I only find it- incredibly kind-"
"I am simply taking responsibility for the consequences of my actions."
That was probably exactly how Teru thought of it, only the touch of his hands was so conscientiously gentle it filled Shion with a sense of tenderness and warmth which stood in deep contrast to these cold, unemotional words.
"Whatever you choose to call this," he whispered, "I am grateful for it, Teru."
The man's hands stopped moving. He seemed almost stunned. Shion couldn't tell whether it was the sentiment behind his words which had provoked this reaction, or if it was just the familiar way in which he'd found himself addressed-
"I am grateful for you as well, my equinox blossom."
Shion felt the man draw his fingers over the cuts he'd opened in Shion's skin, admiring them, perhaps, before they too were wrapped and treated.
"Every time I've gotten hurt," Shion murmured quietly, "it was always a sign of deficiency, of failure. Always a punishment." He sighed. "I dealt with it myself and kept silent about it."
Lord Teru paused. His hands drifted away, and Shion gingerly lifted himself to sit beside him.
"Do you still feel that way, Shion?"
Teru wasn't looking at him. His eyes were focused intently on the brilliant manjushage dancing in the wind.
"When you look at what I have left you, will you be ashamed? Will you hide your beautiful crimson? What will you say when someone asks how it was you came by those wounds?" His voice sounded almost pained. "Will you lower your eyes and say some man forced them upon you?"
"No, my lord," Shion answered. "I will take responsibility for my own actions as well."
Teru gave him an uneasy glance. He hesitated for a moment, then brushed his fingers against the man's face. Teru seemed unaccustomed to someone else's touch, and Shion realized belatedly that he probably ought to have asked his permission, only-
"Your hand is so soft." It was such a a simple statement, and yet Teru seemed completely in awe of it. He reached out and took hold of one of the manjushage blossoms, as though to make a comparison between them, and Shion found himself quietly laughing.
Lord Teru sighed, reaching up to loosen the outermost layer of his garments and laying the fabric gently over his companion's shoulders.
"It is time for you to get dressed."
He carefully guided the sleeves up along Shion's aching arms. The fabric was light and soft, cool against his burning skin. His body felt pleasantly tired. If only he could lay in Teru's arms again, and sleep-
"Would you like to stay and enjoy the festivities?"
The man's question startled him. He wasn't accustomed to being asked what he preferred, and it seemed obvious to him that Lord Teru would much rather return to the empty chamber and enjoy a rare afternoon of solitude.
"I would like- to remain alone with you-"
"Ah, but I might be tempted to repeat that all again."
Shion glanced away, blushing. "Perhaps not *all* of it, my lord."
Teru smiled at him. His hand tousled at Shion's hair, then the man lifted him onto his feet and finished securing the borrowed kimono around him. It was going to be obvious to anyone passing by that the clothing he wore wasn't his own, as obvious as the fact Lord Teru wasn't appropriately dressed himself. It was likely they'd guess what had happened between the two of them.
Teru paused for a moment. Then he kissed Shion's forehead, drawing him away, towards the shrine.
He felt as though the eyes of the crowd were following them. Teru kept his hand pressed to Shion's arm, not tense, exactly, only cautious. He held onto it gratefully.
"Teru! Where have you been?"
The sound of that voice arrested his movements. It was Yuma, hurrying up behind them-
Lord Teru turned, bowing slightly. "Cousin," he acknowledged.
Yuma's eyes narrowed. He glanced from one of them to the other, no doubt noticing Shion's borrowed clothing and Teru's state of half-undress.
"I have been searching for you all morning."
"My apologies, Lord Yuma, but I did not wish to be found."
Yuma's gaze fell on Shion once more. He folded his arms over his chest.
"I suppose I see now why you would not accompany me."
"Let him be," Lord Teru interrupted, shifting his body in front of Shion as though to shield him from Yuma's angry glare. "Why were you looking for me?"
"I have an errand for you. You will be leaving two days hence." His eyes kept staring at Shion. They caught at the wrappings on his wrists and held there.
"Shion," he murmured quietly, "what did this man do to you?"
"Nothing unwanted, my lord."
"I find that difficult to believe-"
Teru's hand dropped to the hilt of his sword. "I understand that you are jealous, cousin, but that gives you no right to slander me, nor to make him so uncomfortable."
"Do you so suddenly care for his comfort?" Yuma sighed, then shook his head. "Very well. It appears he has made his choice. I will not interfere."
"Come," Teru murmured quietly, pulling him away.
Shion stole a glance behind him. Yuma, standing there alone in the road, the chill wind rustling around him, watching them walk away with a strangely forlorn expression-
"This task Lord Yuma has set out for you- will it be dangerous?"
The stroking fingers paused for a moment. "I am only ever sent out to gather information for him. There is no reason for you to worry."
"He seemed so angry with you, though."
"Yuma is mostly angry with himself." Teru sighed. "You must trust him just a bit more, Shion."
Yuma was not the one he'd chosen to trust, but, in the end, perhaps he had no choice. Shion was about to be left without Lord Teru's protection, for days, perhaps weeks-
"I have a favor to ask of you," Teru whispered softly. "Tomorrow night, when everyone has returned here, we must make our attachment known."
Shion turned his head and gazed up at his companion, frowning.
"What we have done must not remain hidden. You must proclaim yourself taken."
"How am I to do that, my lord?"
Teru's steady gaze burned through him. "Let them see the act of proof." He paused, studying Shion's expression. "I know you find it objectionable, but I have no other way to guarantee your safety while I am gone."
'Objectionable' was not half a strong enough word to describe the way he was feeling.
"I will not ask for any more than is necessary," the man continued gently, "and I will make it as easy for you as I possibly can."
"Is there no way to avoid it?"
Teru shook his head. "I would rather act with your consent, but, if you will not give it-"
Was everything but a means to an end? Even this? He stared into the abyss of those dark eyes. What dangerous logic Lord Teru possessed-
"One must always act according to the greater good, even if it involves doing something you might momentarily find regrettable or distasteful." Teru paused. "Do you understand this, Shion?"
He released a long sigh, sinking back against the man's body. Teru meant to break him and then re-shape him, until, in the end, he might not recognize himself at all. Even now, he felt so different from the man he used to be-
What was he becoming? Was it better, or worse? Shion didn't know. He only knew there was no going back, only forwards. The moment for half-hearted indecision was past. He had chosen to trust this man, and so he must do so completely.
"I understand, Lord Teru. I will do whatever you ask."
Teru's arms tightened around his chest. Shion held onto them with trembling fingers.
"Then allow me to go one step further and ask that you enjoy it."
Why did this man feel so compelled to ask for impossible things?
"Come here, Shion."
His heart caught in his throat. This was the appointed moment. The ritual was starting.
Teru smiled at him gently for a moment, then the man's hands began wrapping a strip of fabric over Shion's eyes. He recognized it. It was a piece from his torn yukata, already used for a similar purpose-
It carried Teru's scent.
"No one else exists here," he whispered. "There is only me and you."
Only-? Shion tilted his head inquisitively before slowly nodding.
"I am the wind. You will dance and sway with me, little blossom, and think nothing of it."
How strange- what was Teru doing?
He felt the man's hands lifting him onto his outstretched legs.
Teru's warm breath sighed against the back of his neck. "Well done."
That voice, those words-
For the first time during the whole ordeal, Shion blushed.
His body was being lifted. His eyes were uncovered. Lord Teru sat beside him, leaning close and smiling. He felt the man's mouth fall over his with a sense of bewilderment. Teru had never granted him this sort of kiss before.
"Shion," he murmured softly, "I have never felt so contented."
"Nor have I, my lord."
The man cradled Shion's face in his hands and kissed him once more. Somewhere men were whispering amongst themselves and laughing. Their voices were no more to him than the buzzing of flies. There was only one voice Shion gave any heed to, the one which was even then sighing sweetly into his open mouth.
He belonged to Teru, and he wasn't ashamed of it. They could think whatever they wanted.
Shion's hands tore at the bandages on his wrists. They had served their purpose. Now he was done with them.
Lord Teru pulled him close, spreading his blanket over them both. Shion's place lay deserted on the floor.
"From now on, you will sleep here," he whispered. "I would have you keep my scent about you."
Drowsily, Shion nodded.
"Also- the conversations around you will be much bolder while I am away. Listen carefully, Shion. Take that as your lord's command and your own very particular duty. I trust you will have valuable information for me when I return."
All these impossible- expectations-