Saiou no Hana







BL | Historical | Drama |

"As much as I'd like to do that, we can't risk it, Kagamine.  If Lord Hatori finds us here, it'll be the end to everything."

The boy laughed softly, lifting his head.  "Of course you'd say that.  You don't know how to be anything but cautious."

"Running away with you isn't exactly a *cautious* decision."

Kagamine stared at him for a moment, as though suddenly realizing just how great a risk Shion was taking in order to be with him.

"I meant it, you know," he whispered gently.  "I won't ever let you regret choosing me."  The boy kissed his forehead.  "We'll do whatever you think is best."

"Even if you don't agree with me?"

"Most especially if I don't agree with you."  He smiled.  "Let's take a nice hot bath together.  Kamui left these oils for you.  It'd be a shame to waste them.  They cost a small fortune, after all."

"Kagamine, must you really pull it so tight?!"

"You want to wear it properly, don't you?"

"I can't imagine any man would ever-"

"My dear, sweet, *virginal* Shion."  Kagamine laughed impishly, darting away under his arm, ostensibly to fasten the obi around his waist but probably also to put himself safely out of reach.  "It isn't a man's kimono."

Not a-?

Shion's face turned a furious crimson.

It felt utterly ridiculous wearing such a thing.  Everything about it was excessive, from the intensity of its color to the amount of material to the silver embroidery adorning it.  He had no right to wear that inky shade of blue, nor any other.  He sighed.

"Don't make such a a fuss.  Kamui thought it would suit you, either way, and I wanted to see you in it, just this once-"

The youth shifted his body around with a thoughtful expression.  "There," he murmured, smoothing his hand over Shion's hair with a grin that nearly made this whole humiliating effort worthwhile.  "You're exquisite." The boy sighed. "He was right.  It's perfect for you."

The air stirred around him, and Shion thought he heard a sound like gentle laughter.

Chapter IV

Neither of them slept particularly well. This time, it was Kagamine who threw his knees and elbows around, almost as though he was attempting to fend something off-

Shion sighed, watching him worriedly for a moment.

"Kagamine." He shook at the boy's body. The tortured little thing turned to him with a convulsive gesture and nearly struck at Shion before he finally came to his senses. Shion gave him an apologetic smile. "If neither of us can sleep, we might as well get our things together."

"It isn't even daylight-"

"The moon is bright enough to see that much accomplished." Shion shook his head. "If I knew my way around this place, I'd do it myself, but as it is-"

"All right," Kagamine yawned. "I'll get you clothes fit for travelling, and we ought to carry blankets and a few provisions, also supplies to start a fire-"

Shion watched the boy stretch and silently rise to his feet. The moonlight glistened on his golden hair and his pale and naked skin.

"Will anyone here try to stop us?," Shion asked quietly.

"I don't know," Kagamine admitted. "Probably not. No one's attempted to stop me from going out so far."

Shion didn't find this particularly reassuring.

"We'd be able to travel much more quickly if we took a horse," the boy suggested.

"We'd also be much easier to track. Besides-" Shion gazed up at him. "Wouldn't that be stealing?"

Kagamine laughed. He stopped pulling on his clothes mid-leg and turned to his counterpart with a mischievous expression. "You're already stealing away the most valuable thing here. Why should taking the second-most valuable thing along with it make any difference?"

Shion supposed that was true. "If we took a horse," he mused, "it'd be best to keep to the roads, but-"

"The bandits keep to the roads as well," Kagamine finished, wrapping his black kosode around him. The boy turned and gave Shion a pointed look. "Which course do you think would be best?”