Saiou no Hana
BL | Historical | Drama |

Lord Yuma was every bit as arrogant as he remembered. Presumptuous as it was for either of them to argue over Shion as though he had no option but to choose between them, something about Lord Teru's plaintive appeal had caught at his heart. He wanted to show Yuma how wrong he was, about the man and about himself, as much as he wanted Teru to know he had Shion's sympathies.
Besides, he admitted, his dreams had all been of Teru. He would hardly mind having some excuse to touch him.
There was the usual cacophony of voices. Dawn was breaking somewhere outside. Teru was leaning against the wall on one side of him, and on the other-
"Lord Yuma," Shion murmured, "I am surprised to see you here." He stretched his legs out and yawned. The man must've spent the remainder of the night sleeping there, so as not to miss his chance of being first.
"This is an important undertaking, Shion. I would see it proceed smoothly." Yuma smiled at him. It was the same superficial smile as always. "If there is anything you might need, I would be more than pleased to gather those supplies for you."
"I would have been completely capable of bringing such supplies here myself," Teru added pointedly.
"Thank you for your support, Lord Yuma." Shion paused. "If my lord will be so kind as to hand me something to write with, I will make out a list of medicines which may prove useful." He already knew exactly what was contained in storage. After all, Shion considered with a smile, he'd supplied them all himself.
He turned towards Teru with a conspiratorial expression. "I will begin the examinations with you, then, Lord Teru, if you do not object."
There was a sound of half-stifled protest from the other side of him. Evidently Yuma hadn't fully thought out this course of action.
Teru tilted his head to one side before nodding ever so slightly. "I have no objections," he answered. "I would be glad to set an example for the others."
Lord Yuma stood up, list in hand, looking quite discontented. Everyone's attention was suddenly directed towards his unexpected presence. The moment he walked away, it seemed to shift entirely to the two men who had been sitting beside him.
Teru smiled at him reassuringly as Shion took a deep breath.
"Is there- anything that ails you? Any pain or discomfort?"
He paused for a moment. "Any rashes, or sores?" Those words- he'd had to force them out of his mouth.
The man gave him a sly smile which made Shion's cheeks burn.
"I could of course tell you no, but- what if I were lying?"
Lord Teru was clearly teasing him, but he'd also made a valid point. Some of the soldiers wouldn't be forthcoming with him about such matters.
"Then I shall find out the truth for myself." Shion hesitated. "Please disrobe, my lord."
The man gave him a bigger smile than he'd ever glimpsed on those harsh, unchanging lips before. Teru was enjoying this entirely too much.
Lord Teru bared himself to the waist, rather matter-of-factly, Shion thought. Someone near them laughed. Everyone watched, half-smiling, no doubt amused by the sight of a man they regarded so suspiciously and perhaps fearfully caught there at the mercy of some insistent peasant. Teru seemed to pay them no attention. He was as calm and self-possessed as ever. It was extremely attractive-
Their eyes met, and Shion hurriedly glanced away.
This was going to be much more difficult than he'd thought.
"May I- touch you, my lord?"
"It is not necessary to ask for permission. You are acting under Yuma's orders."
Shion nodded briefly. He pressed two fingers to Lord Teru's neck, measuring out the pulse which lay throbbing beneath them.
This was-
Strangely intimate.
His fingertips were touching the very force and essence of the man's being. An inexplicable intense fascination took hold of him. Why-? Shion was certain he'd not react this way to any of the others, but why- why should it make any difference?
He took another deep breath, placing his hands on either side of Lord Teru's chest, pressing downwards at his lungs.
"Is there any pain?"
"No," Teru murmured, a bit too softly. "None at all."
Shion pressed his hands over the man's stomach, then reached towards Lord Teru's lower back. He didn't watch what he was doing. He couldn't.
"And now?," he breathed.
"Even less."
Something about Teru's voice made him blush. He didn't know quite where to put his eyes. Their bodies were so close, and he could feel the man's gaze upon him-
Quietly, he unwrapped the fabric from Lord Teru's waist. He had to look now. He didn't have any choice but to-
Some of the men started laughing. Two or three of them applauded. Shion felt that he must've been blushing clear down to his ankles, and yet Teru's body remained still. The man seemed completely unfazed.
"Just like the rest of us, eh, Teru? I never would have believed it."
"More than the rest of us, apparently."
"Speak for yourself!"
More laughter. Shion dared to glance up at the man's face. Teru smiled back at him very gently. He couldn't tear his gaze away.
"Am I in satisfactory condition?"
Shion nodded mutely, not trusting himself to speak. After a moment of one-sided uncomfortable silence, he sighed.
"You may dress now, my lord."
Lord Teru covered himself up only loosely as Shion sank back shakily on his knees.
"I want to be examined too!," someone yelled.
"Me first!"
"No, me!"
The man suddenly stood up in front of them, as though to block their path. "He will see to you all shortly," he announced. "In order of rank, with my division taking precedence. The rest of you, go."
There was some disappointed muttering, then two-thirds of the soldiers began to rise and file slowly out. Shion paid them little enough attention, staring up instead at the man's half-uncovered back. He desperately wanted to reach up and trace out the lines of-
"Unmanageable beasts," Teru swore under his breath as he settled again at Shion's side, "always chasing a moment's pleasure."
His half-raised fingers flinched, as though ashamed of themselves.
Lord Yuma finally reappeared inside the entryway, carrying two trays loaded down with various medicines. They seemed extremely small and fragile compared to the one who bore them forward, and Shion, despairing that they should fall and break, rose up quickly to help him.
"My lord, thank you," he murmured, bowing at the waist.
"I see that you are finished. What of my cousin? Do you think he might yet live?" Yuma's smile was sarcastic, unpleasant.
"Most assuredly so, Lord Yuma."
"I suppose he at least has no worries about contracting venereal illness." These words were sharp and insulting. Shion, who was quite embarrassed to hear them, took one of the trays from Yuma's hands and quickly turned away.
"I am waiting for something worthwhile," Teru answered. His eyes were watching Shion, who felt himself blushing profusely. "You should be examined as well, Lord Yuma."
Shion took the second tray from his hands. Yuma's gaze caught on him and held there for a moment. Perhaps he was considering the suggestion-
"I have more important tasks to attend to," he finally answered. "If you need anything, Shion, do not hesitate to come and ask me. I will give you whatever is required." Something in Lord Yuma's voice told him the man was referring to more than supplies.
"I will, my lord. Thank you." Shion bowed as Yuma turned and left them.
"The things he says to you are always so cruel," Shion murmured, moving to stand close by Lord Teru's side. "I wish he would leave it alone. Whatever you choose to do, or not do, is none of his concern."
The man reached for his arm. He stared down at it, uncertain.
"My lord-"
"A thousand of his words can be undone by a single one falling from your lips, Shion. He does not understand his own meaning." Teru glanced up with a smile. "That is what makes his poetry so useless."
This, again?
Shion shook his head and laughed.
"I wondered if you would be capable of that," Lord Teru remarked softly. "I do not think that I had yet heard it. Perhaps we are not so different, you and I."
The touch of that hand on his bare forearm was warm and a little bewildering. The man's thumb pressed at the inside of his elbow, as if testing Shion's own pulse. Shion stared at it. Perhaps Lord Teru felt that same strange fascination-
He was utterly disappointed when it fell away.
"I will stay here today," Teru murmured, "and supervise the proceedings. The task would best be completed by Ohigan. We will lose both time and focus during the intervening festival."
"I understand, my lord."
The man paused. "If anyone seeks to touch you, in any way, Shion, for whatever reason, do not allow it to pass unnoticed. Keep listening for what I have mentioned, as well."
Dusk came too soon, and yet not nearly soon enough.
Shion placed the last of the little vials back into the tray, wiping away a thin sheen of sweat from his forehead.
The day had passed by uneventfully. None of the men had reacted with open hostility, due, no doubt, to Teru's watchful, ever-present gaze, although he'd found some of them exhaustingly stubborn. Inappropriate comments had been bandied about almost constantly, along with occasional scattered insults, but he'd found it surprisingly easy to ignore them.
"Well done, Shion." Teru smiled approvingly at him, handing over a platter of food. "You made it further today than I would have ever thought possible."
"You set a fine example, my lord. It made the work easier for me."
This pleasant odor- was becoming familiar-
"Some of the men you attended to earlier decided to go out hunting, having nothing better to occupy their time." Teru sighed. "It seems we will be eating especially well for a while."
"Let's enjoy it. It will not be so, once winter comes in earnest."
His companion nodded, then fell silent. It seemed he was not looking forward to hearing Shion's report.
"Regarding the condition of the men- the portion of your soldiers reallocated from Kamui's service are extremely healthy. Many of them complain of pain from old wounds, but there is not much besides. A handful have some infection, most likely from a similar source, which can be easily dealt with, if not entirely cured."
"And what of the others, Shion?"
He hesitated, staring down at his plate for a moment. Teru wasn't eating, and he supposed he shouldn't either, not until this business was over. "They are suffering from diverse ailments, my lord, of differing severity-" Shion shook his head. "Much of it may be cured by abstaining from overindulgence in rich food and alcohol. As much as they despise being held here for the winter, it will no doubt be beneficial to their health. I found that a surprising number have difficulty properly filling their lungs-"
Lord Teru sighed. "That is from long use of opium. They will benefit from being kept here as well."
Shion frowned at him. He had a passing knowledge of the substance from certain medical texts, but it was rumored to be incredibly expensive and exceedingly difficult to import.
"I was rather worried by it, my lord. I thought it might be symptomatic of some disease."
"It is symptomatic of something else, not so easily cured." Teru paused. "Has anyone shown signs of baidoku?"
"No, my lord. There are quite a lot of other infections, however. A number of those affected appear to have been so for a while, and they are likely now sterile."
"Give them medicine, Shion, and answer what questions you can, but, regarding that last part- you must make absolutely certain not to tell them they cannot hope for sons."
Shion shifted his legs. This was an uncomfortable conversation to have with the leader of these men. He favored Lord Teru with an ironic little smile. "They would hardly believe me if I did," he confided. "I doubt that anyone will even actually take the medications I have given them."
Lord Teru shook his head. "They have no choice. I will insist upon it."
Shion sighed. Teru was concerned for them, no doubt, but this suggestion of forcing his men to do such things sat somewhat uneasily with him. Teru had suggested that Lord Toshiwara should be forced to endure his treatment as well-
"Tell me, what else should I keep watch for?"
"No one seems to be afflicted with abnormal coughs or bleeding. There are a few unexplained fevers, but I suspect they may be caused by venereal infections as well."
"Treat them accordingly, Shion. I would rather be cautious than caught ill-prepared." Teru hesitated for a moment. "How many men," he asked quietly, "should I expect to lose this winter?"
"Two are currently complaining of severe pain in the lower left abdomen- they may not make it until spring. Beyond that, it is hard to say. Much depends on the season ahead."
"I would rather lose at least no more than we have gained."
That would be far, far too many, yet Lord Teru seemed to think a better outcome would not be possible-
"My lord," Shion murmured, drawing close, "in the past, when there was illness in the village, it has helped to separate those who showed the very first symptoms away from everyone else. If it were possible to set space aside for such a contingency, you should lose far less than that."
Teru tilted his head. His sharp eyes narrowed. "You speak from your own direct experience?"
Shion nodded. These memories were painful to him, but he wanted Lord Teru to understand what it was he'd learned. "My father died from one such outbreak. It nearly claimed my life as well." Shion paused. "He was sick for a long time, although he kept working and going about his business. Everyone he came into contact with fell ill. Many of them did not survive." He closed his eyes. "The next time something similar happened, I managed to convince those who had shown signs of illness to leave their houses and gather into one central location-"
"I take it your master did not approve," Teru murmured softly.
Shion exhaled the unsteady breath he'd been holding. "He was indeed most displeased. However, even among those who died, enough of their families survived so that not a single one of the children became dispossessed, as I was." He gave Teru a lingering glance. "I would have endured any number of beatings in order to make it so."
Once again, another tragic story. Surely Lord Teru would eventually tire of hearing them all.
"I will see that it is done."
Shion stared at him. He hadn't expected the man to give in so easily. "Will you not tell me it cannot be spared, my lord, or that you must ask Lord Yuma first?"
Teru smiled, leaning in close by his shoulder and lowering his voice. "One must take responsibility for one's own decisions, Shion. Lord Hatori brought all these men here. He has no choice but to provide adequately for them, no matter how inconvenient he may find it."
Teru had never forgiven the daimyo for that mis-step. Shion stared at him uncertainly for a moment. This man had high expectations, and his judgements were unflinchingly severe. If even a daimyo refused to meet them-
This man was not Lord Hatori's spy. He saw that clearly now. Teru belonged to no one but himself. If anyone, whether Hatori or Yuma or even Shion himself, happened to fail him-
"Come. Let us eat, and then we will rest. It will be another long day tomorrow."
Chapter IV
The last of the light had left him.
Shion unbound the sleeves of his yukata for the first time in a week and a half. The work was finally finished, and not a moment too soon. He'd been keeping a careful count of the passing days. Ohigan was tomorrow.
He bent over the last of the vials, placing them carefully back into the wooden tray. This was the last time he'd need them, for a little while, at least.
Shion had stopped in a little earlier to check on Lord Toshiwara, whose recovery was going as well as could be expected. He was able to sit now and talk with the others, and he could move the rest of his body freely. It was a shame that he'd have to miss the festival. Toshiwara needed the fresh air and encouraging words more than anyone.
Lost in his thoughts, Shion didn't notice the tall figure standing at the entrance of the chamber. When he finally caught sight of it, Shion sighed. He was exhausted. He didn't want to talk to anyone, he only wished to sleep.
"What brings you here, Lord Yuma?"
“I came to see how the work was progressing.” The man stood there, half-leaning, smiling above his tightly crossed arms. The way he held them against his chest, along with his armor, made his shoulders appear impossibly broad. "Although it appears you may already be finished."
Shion gazed at him for perhaps a moment too long before shaking his head in consternation.
“These men would be in perfectly good health were they not sick with every kind of excess.”
“Ah? What do you mean?”
Shion lifted himself wearily to his feet. “Most of their problems stem directly from too much of something. Too much alcohol, rich food, wild meat, what I can only assume is opium smoke, and-”
“And?,” Yuma prompted, smiling.
“Promiscuity,” he answered, refusing to be baited. “By the time they are Lord Hatori’s age, they will all have come to regret it.”
“None of them expect to live that long, Shion.” Yuma's arms dropped casually to his sides as he began walking towards him. “Including myself.”
Shion frowned. The man really ought to have allowed himself to be examined, if not at the beginning, then at some point in the intervening days. “Then I suppose you've been as overindulgent as they have."
Unexpectedly, Yuma began to laugh. “You sound exactly like a nagging wife."
“I apologize, Lord Yuma.”
“Honestly, I rather like it. It feels warm and domestic having someone fuss over me, as you do."
His words made Shion hesitate. Could this then be the reason that both he and Teru had wanted to go first?
Yuma regarded him with a thoughtful expression. “You do understand that a complete lack of indulgence is excessive as well."
Shion held one of the vials of medicine up in front of him, shaking it slowly from side to side. "Even a little can be far too much."
"I am not," Lord Yuma began, pushing the vial gently away, "as intemperate as you seem to suspect." He sighed. "You have done nothing but work since the moment I assigned you this task. Perhaps you should try to relax."
Was this the man's way of showing concern? Had he really taken time out just to come by and say that?
Shion shook his head. "I don't know what else I should do."
"Come with me and keep me company." The man smiled at him. "It is late. All my duties are done, and yours should be as well."
Accompany Lord Yuma
Retire for the night