Saiou no Hana
BL | Historical | Drama |

"I did not wish to undress for you, my lord."
Teru's dagger slipped beneath Shion's chin, urging it upwards.
"At least that is an honest answer." The man smiled at him, his blade trailing lightly down Shion's throat. "I did say I would help you, did I not?”
He closed his eyes, fully expecting to feel the cloth being lifted back from his shoulders, but a moment later, when he opened them again, Kamui’s kimono hung around him in loose shreds.
Lord Teru’s blade caught beneath one of the ragged pieces, flicking it away, and the last covering left to him fell to the floor at Shion’s feet.
"You have done nothing but attempt to avoid this, but we made a bargain, Shion. I will keep my end, as you will keep yours. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”
He stared down at the ruins which lay scattered all around him. “Yes, my lord.”
“Tell me, what is it you want from me?”
“We made a bargain, Lord Teru,” Shion answered, without looking up. “It is hardly necessary to wish for anything else.”
Teru’s fingers reached underneath his chin.
“You are beautiful, little one, but it is pointless if there is no pleasure in it.”
Pleasure? This man expected him to feel pleased, when he’d snatched all Shion had left of Kamui away from him, just as he’d forced him away from Kagamine?
“I will go and find you some suitable clothing.”
No. If Lord Teru sent him away-
Even now, the man had turned his back and was leaving Shion behind him.
“My lord,” he called out quietly, “I would suggest another game.”
Teru paused for a moment. “And what might that be?”
“The one we are already playing.”
The man tilted his head, considering this for a moment, then slowly turned to face him.
“I cannot allow myself to do this,” Shion continued, “and yet I know I must. Take all responsibility from me. Place it out of my hands.”
“Is that what you truly want, Shion?”
He had no choice. He already knew that. At least this way, he could delude himself into thinking that he did-
Lord Teru began walking towards him. “This game is dangerous. Do you understand that?”
Shion nodded.
Not to his body, not to his heart, but to his very soul.
A flash of silver flickered in the light. “I will not hurt you much,” Teru whispered, smiling, “and when I do, I promise you will not mind it.”
Shion blinked against the sunlight spilling into the room, pressing his face into the pillow in order to block it out completely. Morning had come far too soon. His exhausted body protested the sudden influx of light.
He dared a glimpse at the empty place beside him, feeling some small sense of relief.
Teru hadn’t been lying. He hadn’t minded last night at all. It was true it’d scared him, but not for the reason it should have. He was only scared because he liked it.
Whether or not he liked the man himself was another question entirely.
What Lord Teru had done to Kamui’s kimono- he could never forgive that.
Shion sighed, pulling out the strip of cloth he’d taken care to hide beneath the bed, wrapping it around his hand and holding it close against his lips. He was glad his lord was no longer alive to see what had become of him-
“Shion,” a voice called from the entryway, “I have brought food for us.”
He supposed he should’ve been grateful. Food and shelter were what he’d sold himself off for, after all. Still, he could not bring himself to utter a word.
Teru walked over, tossing back the blankets as though he meant to rouse him. His eyes caught on the fabric wrapped across Shion’s fingers. He stared at it for a moment before placing the platter of food beside him.
“You know, it is customary to greet your lord when he arrives.”
Shion sat up with a sigh. “Good morning to you, Lord Teru.”
“I would expect a warmer welcome, considering how pleased you were with me last night.” The man sat down beside him. “Here. Eat.”
“As much as I would wish to oblige you, I have no appetite.”
“Oblige me, all the same.” Teru’s hand caressed his cheek. “I will not have you wasting away while you are in my care.”
It was pointless to argue. He took up his utensils and scooped up small, joyless bites.