A little info about me…

Hello world! My name is Kat. I create Vocaloid… things… under the tagline VocaObscura. I’ve been a fan for the last decade. The first Vocaloid song I can ever remember hearing is Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain, by EZFG, who I personally consider THE GOD OF VOCALOID. Cyber Thunder Cider remains, to this day, one of my all-time favorite albums, and little dancing stick figures still, after all these years, never fail to make me smile.

I’ve been editing and tuning for a little over two years now. Every time I approach a new song, I learn something new about the voice, or the technical aspects of the program, or the lyrics, or music theory itself. It allows me to enjoy the experience on a structural level, and that gives me a whole new perspective, appreciation, and sense of involvement in something much bigger than myself.

I own a number of vocal libraries at this point, but I mainly use Kaito V3, Vy2 V5, Meiko V3, and Iroha V4 in the Yamaha Vocaloid 5 Editor. V4 Rin & Len are the newest additions to the collection, but they haven’t seen much use just yet. I sometimes use Kaito and Vy2 at -25 gender factor and Iroha at -40 [male version, Hoheto]. I’m still exploring ways to get my Meito [Meiko’s male version] just right.

Many of my favorite songs were made many years ago when the technology was far less sophisticated, so preserving and updating these songs has become sort of a de facto mission for me. I’m also concerned that Crypton will not release updates for Kaito and Meiko for its NT editor, thus dooming them to eventual obsolescence.

A little info about the site…

This site contains links for source material and relevant software. All software used is either

  • free for non-commercial use

  • downloaded as a valid trial version, or

  • purchased with a valid license

I’ve made a sincere effort to respect creators’ copyright claims. Anything which violates those claims will be respectfully taken down if I receive notice. My own personal material may be used in any capacity as long as my tagline is included. In fact, it would make me feel incredibly honored. Just put your heart and soul into any project you’re borrowing material for- pinkie promise.

Currently, the site hosts pages for some, though by no means all, of my Vocaloid covers. I plan to add more on a consistent and ongoing basis. Several other projects are in development and will be uploaded once they reach a satisfactory state of completion. I’m working on a technical guide for the V5 Editor on Windows and various pieces of fanfiction, one of which has become so complex I hope to turn it into a visual novel. The only problem is, essentially, my lack of drawing ability. I am determined about completing it eventually and will use avatar models if no other option presents itself.

Questions? Corrections? Collaborations?

All are very welcome! My intent here is to entertain and instruct, as well as network with others in the community. I am especially in need of a visual artist who’d be willing to work with BL pairings, especially Vy2 x Kaito- Vy2 in general- and Meiko and Iroha’s genderbent versions.